The Long Road

December 8, 2021


Ever ask yourself, how long does it take to become good a developer? The anwser depends on a few things. What few things you ask as you read this post? Well I start with this, how motivated are you at becoming a good developer? It doesn't matter if it is the front end or back end. Everyone that reads code can spot good code as they read through it. Writing good code requires time logged in the bank. You can Google all you want. In fact I encourage it. But, if you want to become good. You have to put in the time to learn. It takes time but it is well worth it. My advice, learn something new each day. It doesn't have to be something hard that takes hours out of your day. Just something small that takes maybe 10 - 15 mins. It can be something as simple as a new way to build a button for a website. As long as it is something new and something you can use in the future. It will more than likely turn you into a better developer.

One thing that you must do while learning, is to be consistent. If you learn something new everyday for 6 months you will be surprized at the amount of knowledge you have gained in such a short period of time. It may seem like a long time at first but as you get into it. You will start to go deeper down the rabbit hole. Time has no meaning when you are down there. It's easy to get lost trying to find the anwser to a question or a problem. Enjoy the process of learning and getting better. There are no short cuts. It takes years to go down that road, it's long. But, well worth it.